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if ssh suddenly doesn't work with error msg like (ssh: Could not resolve hostname jun: nodename nor servname provided, or not known) sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20252294/ssh-could-not-resolve-hostname-hostname-nodename-nor-servname-provided-or-n
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universal control; link mac and ipad https://support.apple.com/ko-kr/HT212757 유니버설 컨트롤: Mac과 iPad 간에 단일 키보드 및 마우스 사용하기 Mac의 키보드, 마우스 또는 트랙패드를 사용하여 근처에 있는 최대 2대의 다른 Mac 또는 iPad 기기를 제어하고 이들 기기를 원활하게 오가며 작업할 수 있습니다. support.apple.com
why need "purpose" for vscode debug mode? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51244223/visual-studio-code-how-debug-python-script-with-arguments Visual Studio Code: How debug Python script with arguments I'm using Visual Studio Code in order to debug a Python script. Following this guide, I set up the argument in the launch.json file: But when I press on Debug, it says that my argument is not reco... stackoverflow.com
vscode debug mode terminal not showing output or timed out issue When running debug mode in vscode with "console" set to "integratedTerminal" in launch.json, I had "timed out ~ " issue. Switching "console" to internalConsole resolves the issue but this usues DEBUG CONSOLE (and doesn't output tqdm progress I think?" Adding "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": false in settings.json didn't help Solution: add "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false to settings..
vscode debug mode current work directory Go to launch.json add "cwd" : "${fileDirname}" check with os.getcwd() current directory should be the folder that current activated file is in (not root directory of current vscode folder)
vscode open local terminal(mac) in ssh window https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63413570/vs-code-using-remote-ssh-how-to-open-local-terminal VS Code using Remote SSH - How to open "local" terminal? I am connected to a remote server via SSH and using the Remote - SSH plugin by VS Code to do so. However, when opening up a terminal, the default terminal is the terminal of the remote server. I know stackoverflow.com
how to check which files/folders are ignored in git https://scriptcrunch.com/git-show-ignored-files/ How to Check if gitignore is Working | Show Ignored Files In this blog, we will explain to you how to validate the .gitingnore file by checking and showing git ignored files using git check-ignore command. scriptcrunch.com