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pytorch mutliple gpus https://glassboxmedicine.com/2020/03/04/multi-gpu-training-in-pytorch-data-and-model-parallelism/ Multi-GPU Training in Pytorch: Data and Model Parallelism This post will provide an overview of multi-GPU training in Pytorch, including: training on one GPU; training on multiple GPUs; use of data parallelism to accelerate training by processing more exa… glassboxmedicine.com Training on One GPU Le..
All about Diffusion models Classfier gudiance What is score function?: https://ericmjl.github.io/score-models/notebooks/01-score-function.html The gradient of the log probability density with respect to data (https://medium.com/@aminamollaysa/score-based-generative-models-bfe88808dc81) A Pedagogical Introduction to Score Models - 2 Score Functions We’re going to need some basic knowledge and terminology established first,..
iterm2 accept auto-completion using tab key https://shanepark.tistory.com/423
other zsh themes for mac terminal and iterm2 default mac terminal: ZSH_THEME="" other options: robbyrussell In vscode, add this line
vscode local terminal in remote ssh window https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63413570/vs-code-using-remote-ssh-how-to-open-local-terminal VS Code using Remote SSH - How to open "local" terminal? I am connected to a remote server via SSH and using the Remote - SSH plugin by VS Code to do so. However, when opening up a terminal, the default terminal is the terminal of the remote server. I know stackoverflow.com cmd-shift-p > Open remote ..
vscode default terminal https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66288206/vscode-error-the-terminal-process-failed-to-launch-path-to-shell-executable VSCode Error: The terminal process failed to launch: Path to shell executable "/usr/bin/tmux" does not exist After VScode installation, when I tried to open my integrated terminal window, each time I am getting error mentioned in the title. I don't know what is the correct pat..
ssh x1 forwarding from macOS to linux PC 1. TCP nolisten 해결 (https://coolengineer.com/entry/X-Window-Portforwarding) X Window Portforwarding on MacOSx to Linux 리눅스는 주로 까만 화면의 터미널로 사용하지만, 가끔은 X Window 응용프로그램을 사용해야할 때가 있다. (xcalc 랄지...) 난 리눅스를 데스크탑으로 사용하지 않으므로, X System 전체를 설치하지 않 coolengineer.com defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 nolisten_tcp 0 2. ssh 하는 대상, 즉 linux PC 에서 sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config xfoward yes 로 하기. 3. ssh 하는..
How to use SDK in visual studio (link, path, k4a, azure kinect) https://mynt-eye-d-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sdk/project_vs2017.html
vscode terminal <-> editor toggle EDIT: macos 의 경우, command 키 = cmd https://superuser.com/questions/1270103/how-to-switch-the-cursor-between-terminal-and-code-in-vscode How to switch the cursor between terminal and code in VSCode? I just started using VSCode and I'm looking for a way of, while having both the code open and the terminal(the one inside VSCode), switch between typing on these parts of the editor with a shortcut. su..
how to enable x11 forwarding; local machine: window, remote: Linux https://x410.dev/cookbook/enabling-ssh-x11-forwarding-in-visual-studio-code-for-remote-development/ Enabling SSH X11 forwarding in Visual Studio Code for remote development - X410.dev Visual Studio Code supports remote development over SSH. If you're […] x410.dev
are papers needed for phd admission? https://www.quora.com/What-value-do-top-conference-workshop-papers-say-CVPR-ICCV-add-for-a-PhD-admission-in-Computer-Vision-at-top-universities-How-does-it-compare-to-less-prestigious-conferences-WACV-BMVC-What-impact-does-non-top What value do top conference workshop papers (say CVPR, ICCV) add for a PhD admission in Computer Vision at top universities? Ho Answer: They set the candidate apart a..
Linux - installing specific CUDA version https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/installing-any-version-of-cuda-on-ubuntu-and-using-tensorflow-and-torch-on-gpu-b1a954500786
nvcc -V has different version but I installed other versions of CUDA https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40517083/multiple-cuda-versions-on-machine-nvcc-v-confusion Multiple CUDA versions on machine nvcc -V confusion I used to have cuda-7.0 installed on my machine and later un-installed cuda-7.0 and installed cuda-8.0. When I go to my /usr/local folder I see the following folders: /bin/ /cuda/ /cuda-7.0/ /cuda... stackoverflow.com export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/loca..
conda command doesn't exist. wsl2. ubuntu 1. Tried to install tensorflow gpu referring to https://www.tensorflow.org/install/pip#windows-wsl2 pip로 TensorFlow 설치 이 페이지는 Cloud Translation API를 통해 번역되었습니다. Switch to English pip로 TensorFlow 설치 컬렉션을 사용해 정리하기 내 환경설정을 기준으로 콘텐츠를 저장하고 분류하세요. 이 가이드는 TensorFlow www.tensorflow.org 2. Didn't work. As I had to install miniconda, base conda had changed to miniconda (from anaconda). PS. How to switch b..
how does 'plt' keep tracks of figure or axes https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-data-science/9781491912126/ch04.html Python Data Science Handbook Chapter 4. Visualization with Matplotlib We’ll now take an in-depth look at the Matplotlib tool for visualization in Python. Matplotlib is a multiplatform data visualization library built on NumPy arrays, … - Selection from Python Data Science Handbook www.oreilly.com It’s important to n..